May 13: Radio Show with Experts on Child Pornography

On Monday, May 13, from From 9-11PM EST (6-8 PM Pacific Time) – Join Radio Host Michael Blum with special guests:

Gail Colletta, PRESIDENT/Legislative Chair
Florida Action Committee

Dr. Eric A. Imhof, PsyD, Forensic Psychologist,
Specialized Treatment and Assessment Resources
Specialty: Child Pornography

Dr. Suzonne Kline, PsyD, Forensic Psychologist
Treatment, Evaluations and Risk Assessments
Specialty: SVP’s and Child Pornography

Call in at 888-545-1470

Listen on 1470 on the AM dial.

It can also be heard from the station website, and from the players on or

Also, streaming from IHeart Radio. Search IHeart for 1470.

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The people to be interviewed on this radio show are experts in their field. I will be sure to listen and perhaps call in, too. I heard them speak at the national RSOL conference in 2012 and they had a lot to share. Hope you can join us!

I’m planning on catching the show Monday night. Will try to call in if appropriate.

From the Michael Blum Show website, the hour are 9 to 11pm Eastern Time, so the show will podcast in California from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Monday.

I thought the show was interesting. What stood out to me was the attitude of the guy with the thick (Philly?) accent. He started off the show saying he would be in a bar and when someone who looked like a “Freak” walked in he would drag them out back and beat them up. The “Freaks” being registrants and they all look alike according to him.

During the first couple calls he seemed to stand his ground, but it seemed that something clicked within him during the third or fourth call and he started to ask questions (empathizing) instead of making derogatory statements. I don’t know if it was because he realized that he could be the next victim of this witch hunt or he just felt out numbered in a room with people fighting against his own bigoted beliefs. I like to think his mind opened up a little and that if the majority of society were exposed to real stories like he was; Instead of the mysticism or myths surrounding most sex offenses, we would all be better off.

Nobody thinks that a sex offense is acceptable, It’s how we deal with the offender that reflects on us as a society.

On the topic of C/P, SB-145 is supposed to be an act to ammend 311.11. Senator Pavley says the bill is intended to make 311.11 either a felony or misdemeanor, but the exact language only mentions it as a felony. Does anyone know more about this? Im not happy about the bill, but if it turned the crime into a wobbler it would be of some benefit to a lot of people.